Unburden Your Mind, Build Resilience, Experience Transformation

Individual Therapy for Adults Motivated to Grow

Available online throughout Texas, New York, Virginia, and Idaho and in-person in Houston, Texas

You’re constantly overwhelmed.

The endless demands on your time and energy leave you struggling to keep your head above the surface.

Sometimes just getting through the day feels like it takes everything out of you.

And you don’t know how much longer you can tread water.

It’s affecting your entire life.

Lying awake at night, reliving the day’s worries, only makes your stomach churn more. 

Your nervous system is stuck in overdrive.  This constant state of high alert makes you hypervigilant, feeling like you always need to be on guard..

You can’t remember the last time that you felt calm or in control.

Getting anything done feels impossible.

You’re entangled in a web of sadness, fear, and stress, making even the simplest tasks insurmountable.

Panicking about your responsibilities has created a perfect storm that drains you of energy and leaves you feeling hopeless.

So, you avoid your to-do list, ignoring it as it grows longer and more daunting with each passing day.

Living this way is so isolating.

You want support from the people around you, but they just don’t get what you’re going through.

It’s difficult to explain it to others when you barely understand it yourself.

And each day, you feel further engulfed by the loneliness.

Something has to change.

You can’t keep hiding away from the world.

Waiting for some transformation to happen on its own is proving futile.

And you know that the longer you wait to make a change, the more difficult it will be.

It’s time to unravel the intricate threads of transition, loss, and anxiety and replace them with resilience, self-compassion, and a renewed sense of inner peace.

There is another way.

With so much on your plate, you need a lifeline – and you need it now.

You need to create a plan of action, but you don’t have to do it alone.

It’s time to take the next step on your healing journey. That’s where I come in.

Hi, I’m Laura.

I am delighted you’ve found my website. It means you’ve taken the first step toward changing your life.

The next step is selecting the therapist you think is best for you.

I’m here to help you regain control and reconnect with your loved ones and yourself.

You’re the expert on your situation, so I’ll meet you where you are to collaborate and allow your values and goals to direct our work.

In our sessions, you’ll develop strategies to apply to your daily life to enhance your well-being and help you navigate difficulties.

Let’s fine-tune your emotional and spiritual infrastructure to anchor you in times of change and support your journey.

You have the strength to regain control­, and I promise you’re worth it.

Uncover resilience.

Rebuild your self-esteem, grow your ability to concentrate, and transform your life.

Call me now for your free consultation.

“Dr. Summerhill has been a great support and resource for my personal health goals. During each appointment, our time has become a wonderful place to be reminded of care and rest, leading me toward reconnection and personal agency. Since working with Laura, I’ve been happy to note improved productivity – as well as sensing an expanding capacity to cope with stress and past traumas.”

– Danielle

“After a near catastrophic diagnosis of cerebral malaria, I had parts of both feet amputated which led to chronic pain and neuropathy. After an initial consult with Dr. Summerhill, I decided to pursue clinical hypnosis for pain management. It was extremely successful and gave me multiple steps and tools for self-regulation and for calming my nervous system. I can’t say enough positive things. I give Laura my highest recommendation.”

– Freddie

“I’ve enjoyed every session with Dr. Summerhill. She is friendly, easy to talk to, and a great listener. I appreciate her process, and I’m amazed at how much better I feel after only a few sessions. And if you’re curious about clinical hypnosis, go for it! Dr. Summerhill will help you achieve your goals.”

– Richard

I worked with Dr. Summerhill specifically to address struggles stemming from grief + depression. Each session was successful. My anger softened, and my productivity went up without me beating myself up to accomplish goals. After the third session, I felt a shift in the way I carry myself – I have greater confidence and an awareness of my worth. My “self-talk” is kind and encouraging. Dr. Summerhill is skilled, gentle, and kind. I felt heard and safe in sessions with her. I highly recommend her for any issues you are facing.

– L.E.