(Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction)

Every day begins with a sense of uncertainty and dread.

You wake to the familiar twinge of discomfort in your abdomen.

Will I be sick today? I just don’t want to be sick today!!

Cramping. Pain. Bloating. Gas. Nausea. Vomiting. Diarrhea, constipation, or both.

You need to get to the bathroom – and quick!

The simple act of planning your day becomes a delicate balancing act.

Your physical symptoms of gastrointestinal distress get in the way of your routines and activities.

Simple things like grocery shopping, dinner with friends, or going to the movies are foreboding and fraught with anxiety.

You avoid fun outings like hiking, going swimming, or strolling the farmer’s market because it’s too risky.

Not knowing if there’s easy access to a restroom is stressful and exhausting.

It’s not just the physical discomfort.

The emotional toll of living with chronic conditions like IBS, functional nausea, or pain goes unseen.

It’s hard to explain to your family, friends, and sometimes even your doctor. This leaves you to wrestle with frustration, guilt, and shame.

Why can’t I just get better? Why is my body betraying me?

A maze of triggers.

After ruling out all medical causes, your doctor has recommended the FODMAP diet or prescribed antidiarrheal, laxative, or antispasmodic medications and told you to reduce your stress.

But how?!

Despite your best efforts to manage your symptoms, you are physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. It’s depressing.

You need to get your life back.

Gastrointestinal issues can become a chronic condition requiring long-term management while treatment options seem limited.

The need to accommodate dietary restrictions, bathroom breaks, and lifestyle modifications has left you feeling like you ask for too much and are bringing everyone down.

But there’s help! Really!

Let’s work together to help you re-establish control over your body.

If you have already consulted with your healthcare provider and your doctor has ruled out all underlying conditions, confirming that your symptoms are a DGBI like IBS, functional nausea, or not due to any medical diagnosis, I’d love to work with you.

We’ll identify the root cause of your problem by focusing on the interaction between stress, anxiety, grief, depression, and/or trauma and GI health by focusing on the gut/brain axis and using research-backed treatments like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), clinical hypnosis, and mindfulness to reclaim your life.

Live life unencumbered!

Let’s work together to get you back to your best days!

You’ll see progress quickly which will reduce your anxiety and speed improvement.

Life will still give you butterflies or knots in your stomach from time to time, but you will have the tools to deal with it.

Ready to live in a world without gut distress?

Call me at (512) 766-5695 for your free 20-minute consultation, and let’s get started!